Well anyone that knows me knows I am not into the Sisterhood
movement, the First Lady classification or the publicized ideology that I have
to be loud, ignorant, arrogant, rude, bible toting, hat wearing, snobbish
acting, unfriendly, 300.00 suit wearing, person to be a saved, well versed,
loving, bible believing, Holy Spirit filled Christian wife of a Pastor! I hope I have covered every aspect of what
they are trying to portray a pastor’s wife as.
For this cause I
titled this one Pastor’s Wife Volume I. Why because I for see other volume’s to
come. LOL!!!
Well yesterday I had
the esteem pleasure of meeting a young lady, whose husband is just totally on
fire for Christ, that didn’t walk around the church like she was “first lady”
but more like first mother, first sister and first friend of the members of her
church. She was humble, quiet, didn’t
look for any fan fair but received it simply because how she has stepped back
and let the Jesus shine in her.
Side bar I have never been to
such an outstanding real anniversary in my life!!!! Not a bunch of fake people loving on their
pastor, but not a dry eye for every story that was told about the pastor and
his love for his church and the love his wife has put into the church.
It was a breath of fresh air to see a Pastor’s wife that
simply wanted to see her husband’s calling fulfilled to God’s glory. Listening to her testimony was just beautiful
and refreshing. It was even more
delightful to see how he and her still had the laughter and joy between each
other that I see sometimes dwindle in all marriage couples. That happens to be one of the hardest things
for two married people to keep up the laughter, the joy, passion and enjoyment
in their marriage, especially when the other women is the church!!!!
So today’s blog is to encourage my sisters in the ministry
of pastor wives!!! It is a thankless job but I am proud to be one. I don’t need any other title. I have no problem with my husband spending
every waking moment at the church because I know Christ must be his first
responsibility. My trust and faith is
that Christ will remind him that he has a wife at home. Now so far Ladies, God has been faithfully on
his Job!! I may not see him like I use
to but every now and then he lets me know I am the women of his dreams. It is the every now and then time that I am
trying to learn to treasures. As my
sister said yesterday that is hard sometimes but it is our responsibility to
ensure that the ministry that our husbands have begun is completed to God’s
glory not our own.
We are his help mates that mean that we must also ensure he
meets the obligations that God has placed on his life. That may mean going to
bed without him one night because he must sit at a hospital bed side all night,
or repair a ceiling in the church before a grand event. It may mean cooking dinner fora church function because sisters forget their duties that
Sunday. It may mean giving up a couple
date nights to help him clean up the new church building that was just donated
to you, or leave church without him because he has to counsel someone through
some hard times. It means giving him
the mental freedom to love on his congregation freely even though you know how
bad they have talked about him and treated him.
It especially means being a valued part of that congregation and taking
up the slack where others members fall short.
(I tell my husband ain’t no member her is going to out due me on loving
my pastor, LOL) :) You have to remember you are
just as much of a member as the other members and the more support you give
your pastor and holding him up the more desire he has to love you back, even
his wife!!!! The truth of the matter is that a True Call man of God is going to
do THE Fathers business with or without you!
The ones that leave a church for his wife, or stop doing God’s work for
you hasn’t saved a marriage but destroyed a calling and to for some their lives. In the end you can be a part of the solution
or a problem Christ will have to remove.
You make the choice!
I enjoyed sharing some common concerns with my sisters in
Christ but I enjoyed even more how she has embraced her husband’s vision, her
husband passion and love for Christ and his church! Just another example of a Pastor’s wife who
the church has no problem claiming as their FIRST LADY!!!!