Lets look at the evolution of a butterfly. When it starts out as a worm/larva it is vulnerable to the environment. It may be a caterpillar or a worm, but at the end of the day it is limited to where and what it can do.
As the evolution process goes on God creates in the caterpillar an innate instinct that it has come to a point in itself that it must find refuge in a cocoon. It in essence has to go within itself, cover itself (for protection) and hibernate to heal and rebuild itself to the true person with in. Everything starts with an egg, here is the real awesome thing the first shell is to birth but the second shell/cocoon is for rebirth.
The bible says he gives us brand new mercies everyday. We become a new creature in him everyday, but sometimes to truly find what God is trying to tell us we sometimes have to put our selves in a cocoon. Block ourselves from the struggles of this world, shelter ourselves from the storms and the waves, cut ourselves for the negative forces that may wear us down and just go into a quiet, secluded place that only you and God resides.

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.
Yet when the cocoon hardens and the process of healing, learning, evolving and rebirthing is finish, you will be so surprise on how you come out. How you will fly to heights unknown even to yourself. Well I am praying on what butterfly I will be and when I will come out, but until I get there I just want Sis. Garrett and Sis. Spencer to know I got some pretty good examples.
So to my beautiful eggs, caterpillars, butterflies, remember I am in this fight just like you. We are wives, mothers, daughters, sisters and friends and just like the name of my Blog we must walk in faith everyday-WIFE!!!
So to my beautiful eggs, caterpillars, butterflies, remember I am in this fight just like you. We are wives, mothers, daughters, sisters and friends and just like the name of my Blog we must walk in faith everyday-WIFE!!!