1 Peter 4:8 – Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sin
1 Corinthians 13:13 – And now these three remain: faith,hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
John 13:34 – A new command I give you: love one another as I have loved you, so you must love one another.
I pray that these words of life may be true to us in all our relationships
When I first got married my husband would say why do I have to kiss you every morning when I leave? Why do you get upset if I don't tell I love you before I leave? Why do you have to make sure I kiss you the minute I get home? You act so excited when I come home? Now years later after some years of marriage I thank God, for it has been the kisses every morning, the I love you's when we both wanted to cry, the running into his arms when he got home like no one else existed when for all intent and purposes we both should have ran away that has sustained the strength of our marriage. Now he gets mad if I don't say I love you or if I don't kiss him in the morning. It is tomorrow and guess what I still love him!
In a blog I was reading the caption said: You never know how strong you are until being strong is all you have. Now I would like to amend that too:
My husband and I have been through some really hard times, a sickly child at birth, a sickly wife, lost of job, health problems, family problems, and of course the mere fact he is a minister now pastor challenges have come. Can you still love me tomorrow? Can you say I love you when you look at your husband and wonder what is he going to do to fix this? Man I didn't sign up for this, bills, in laws, bills, economy, foot just drama all together.
There is no way that I am about to say we have seen it all because despite my children belief I am still young (lol) but I can definitely say that the only thing that has kept my husband and I is Jesus Christ and the words I LOVE YOU!!! Sometimes things have gotten so bad that all we could say is I love you. We didn't know where to turn, we couldn't run to family, no friends to talk too, it has been a definitely leave and cleave situation.
Don't get me wrong marriage for me has been more good than bad and there is no one else I would want to share my bad with but the reality is that we don't realize that the words I love you are not just words of expression but action words and no matter what I still love him in the morning. That despite what ever we are going through we will not give the Devil room to hamper, hinder or destroy what God has brought together with our love. Appreciate every opportunity to say I love you because you may not have a tomorrow and it may be the only thing that will carry you through your tomorrow!
I will leave you this note: A friend had an argument with his girlfriend on when they would get married. He was working so hard and was tired every night he just didn't want to talk about marriage. She knew he was going to marry her, foot she was the mother of his babies. As they went to bed tired and mad when she said I love you he didn't respond. The next morning when he woke up with her in his arms, calmer now he kissed her cold, limped, dead body!!! This is a true story the sad part of the story is he had just told his barber that he was going to buy the ring but now he is left to raise his two kids alone, and the last thing he has to remember is I didn't tell her I LOVE YOU!!!! Don't let one I love you moment go bye because you may not have tomorrow!
I have been married almost 20 years( anniversar october 26,2012) When we first got married neither one of us was saved or knew the seriousness of taken those wedding vows. We have endured affairs(on both sides) job losses, sickness, and much more. We both gave our lives to Christ in 1999 and begin to understand what marriage was truly about. When you take a vow you are not only taking the vow between man and wife it also involves a convenant relastionship that includes God. We have had a lot of difficulties but I must admit our love for Christ and committment to our daughter are drivers that keeps us going.
ReplyDeleteThank you Beautiful..your words were wonderful encouragement to my soul. While infidelity has not been an attribute of my marriage it was a deep attribute of my parents. My father as they would say was a rolling stone and as an Adult I see how it has affected my brothers with respect on how they treat their mother and their spouses and how untrusting my sister and I are. Yet, my mom often tells me a love like Christ endures things you as a human being will never understand. My dad is saved now after four strokes and my mom is his care giver and the one that showed him true salvation, even after having four children out of the marriage. While I often reply to her I am "trying to be like Christ, I am not Christ" she laughs, it has been testimonies like yours and hers that let me see what Jesus can carry us through!