Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Love's Sacrifice

Love and its sacrifice…..

I read a story on last week and I myself said I don’t know if I could do this.  Yet the sacrifice of love…. that this woman did was so beautiful  I understood so much about the saying when mommy would say sometimes you will give 100% and he will give 0.  Sometimes he will give 100 and you will be 0 but those are the times that will truly show if you or he really loves.  See can you love me when I ain’t giving nothing, when I am so wipe out at life that I just can’t.  When failed hopes and dreams has destroyed me from within; when family has hurt and destroyed my trust so that I stop trusting?  What is your LOVE Sacrifice!

This story is long but worth the time if you question if you are really in love.  See not to long ago my mother said her commitment was not to my dad but to God.  Her marriage was not for the world’s glory but God.  So what is your love sacrifice?  A couple of months ago a man I admired so past and I literally watch a light go out in his wife.  I knew there was something I admired much in her but I could never place it, was it her love for Christ (Yes) her love for her Children Yes) her love for her husband (Yes)!!!

 Pastor and Sis. Wendell Spencer
 See I know from her testimony her love sacrifice was a lot, because I am a pastor’s wife and sometimes not because they don’t want to but they just can’t you have to fill in the gaps for them because they are carrying everyone else’s burdens.  Sometimes you have to pray for him when he don’t know it because the world and his flock will severely misuse and abuse him and sometimes you just LOVE on him to build him up because THAT IS WHAT a Love Sacrifice is!!!!  Real Talk ladies….  Stop looking for him to always be the one carrying you.  Loving on you, respecting you, building you up and supporting you.  Trust and believe if you become one with your man sometimes you will have to give 100%, and sometimes he will be the 100% but that is loves sacrifice.  50/50 days do come and they are beautiful.  70/30 is good too, but I have had a couple of 100% and 0% going both ways and I am here to tell you they may have been some hard days and low moments but Guess what the Oneness between DeeFin(Pastor Finley-for those political correct people) and I is more beautiful than the 50/50 days by far!!!!!    Real Talk!!!

Proverbs 31:10-12 Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies. 11 The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil.  12 She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life.

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