Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Hope through the darkness of death......

The LORD delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love. Psalm 147:11

So looking back over my very few years of life I realized something so profound….I have hope in the darkness of death.  It may not make sense to people that do not have the spiritual connection and relationship with my lover, my friend, my confidant and my redeemer Jesus!  He is my everything.

While doing some reading with my husband I was so humbled by a scripture that I had to look back over my life and realized that somewhere along this road called life, I am internally encouraged by the ever resounding sound that Where I am there you will be also.  John 14:3b 

I don’t fear death per say like I use to and I don’t worry about life like I use to.  By no means will I say I am perfect or that doubt and fear does not seep up in my mind, but I am encouraged to know that I have hope in all of my situations.  I have hope in the darkness of trouble, the darkness of trials and tribulations, and the darkness in the calm before the storm and in the storm.  When the storms are raging in my life I have the love of Jesus to carry me through.  The sweet assurance that he lays me down in Green Pastures, he prepares a table before me in the presence of my enemies…and Guess what my Cup runneth over.

In these last few years of my life I have had Men of God tell me your husband ministry will go nowhere without  them.  I have had people say we would never be blessed, but if they could see me know.  If they knew the God that I serve. No our life is not easy, it is not glamour filled but it is BLESSED!!!  We have been through heart ache and pain, sunshine and rain, but the best is still yet to come.  Yes and we are still favored.  From flying in on regular clearance to being bump up to Expedited Clearance to sitting in extended room sitting to being bumped up to first class.  That is the type of favor God blesses his child with.

Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have[a] peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope. Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.
Yet where I really get my praise on is when I listen to my son’s theme song of life…Yelp by Rick Ross of all people…THESE HATERS CAN’T HOLD ME BACK….I think about this Christian walk and how so many Christians seem to think that they have the power to hold another’s destiny in their hand.  To change life or death.  As I look over my life, over my children life, over my husband’s life, over those that I love, the only one that has it all in his hand is the Master.  My warning to all that feel that way is, don’t you think somewhere you are beginning to think that you are the god and not GOD?!!!  Saints we have to stop letting power, envy and arrogance go to our head.  We will not all get our way.  Nor will everyone go this road the same way, but one thing I know that if you chose Jesus as your guide, no matter what man sees, what life looks like to you or others…your hope MUST remain in Jesus.  He is our only hope through the dark tunnels of life and death.

My hope lies in nothing less but Jesus love and righteousness.  If you won’t be used to bless me I am assured He has an arsenal full of favor warriors for me especially since I just want to be a blessing to someone else. I am a living witness as my mommy would say!!!

Be Blessed and remember You GOT FAVOR OVER your life if God is the Lord of your Life!!!! Hope in the midst of darkness rather that be life or death!

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